Friday, August 14, 2009

In The Midst of It All...

This is not my first blog. This is my second. My first blog? It was true to my heart-a basis of my teaching on a reserve here in Manitoba. The reason for it to end? It's a long story, but a new journey is beginning, yet again.

The difference between the last blog and this one? I'm determined that this blog be more than just about teaching. I want this to be about me, as selfish as that might sound. I'm 28, fairly close to 29, and am an average woman I figure. I've loved, I've lost, and I'm still figuring out what's going to happen in my life. But then again, probably when the moment that things seem to be comfortable, is when they'll get shaken up again.

So, my point of this blog is to be honest and for it to be a continuing journey of myself. To be able to reflect and grow and remember the good and the sad times. This blog is about being true to myself.

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