Monday, November 15, 2010


So I had a couple of interviews, which both went great.  I'm scared to hope and to put too much into it.  I'm scared out of my mind...I don't know how I'm going to handle it if I don't get one of these jobs.  I need work, I need a paycheck and I've been struggling for a long while now.  The one I'm supposed to know by Friday, and of the two, this is the one I want the most.  I am terrified-if this isn't to be the plan, than I'm back at square one...I've been so discouraged lately and it's been a terribly lonely experience.  I've said this before that when you go through difficult times, you sure learn who your friends are.  There are a couple that keep me going, but I'm almost out of anything left to give...I hate that feeling...I just really need a door to open...

So, if you're the praying type, please say a prayer for me....thanks.

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