Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's been quite the year when I look back...there's been so many blessings, change, and loss. I've really grown into the woman that I feel I've always meant to be. I'm more sure of myself and more sure of the path that I've been walking. I've learned to stand up for myself in the face of adversity and know that my convictions and beliefs are what keep me moving forward. The strength I have in knowing who I am carries me through the valleys.

I lost two people who were the closest to me...and while one I truly have mourned, the other I feel I am just beginning. Saying farewell to someone you love is never easy, especially when you are left wondering why? There are moments of emptiness and lonliness, but in the end, you just have to be sure of your own path and keep moving on. I may never understand, and that's okay, I just hope in time, it will get easier to be the one left behind.

I'm truly exhausted,and yet I still stand.

The last couple of months haven't been easy, heck, the last year hasn't been easy. I'm vulnerable and fragile right now and that's okay. It makes me real, humble, sincere, and appeciative. I have joy, faith and assurance of my path in this world and so for now I'll just keep picking myself up each time I fall or get knocked over.

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