Sunday, June 27, 2010


So, I taught my class how to make dreamcatchers the other day as a part of celebrating Aboriginal Day. We started the afternoon with Indian Tacos made by the Bannock Hut (they make the best bannock) for the whole school, followed by traditional dancing performed by a few of our students and then the dreamcatchers (for my grade). I've included one picture that doesn't show any faces (just to respect my students' privacy), where they invited all up for an intertribal dance...

I can't take all the credit though for the dreamcatchers though because a few of the students had made them before, but they turned out very good! In our school, there are a group of people who aren't comfortable with traditional things, so I was missing a handful of students.

When explaining the dreamcatchers, I said to the students that it's up to them to choose what they believe about them. They can choose for them to be a pretty decoration or more. I had quite a few choose colors of the medicine wheel, and then i had some others choose some funky colors...I have loved my job and I'm going to miss it there!

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