One more day…got to keep reminding myself that. The kids are hyper as can be and my energy is dwindling. Today was a crazy day. The school had the bake sale, and so the kids were going crazy for that. I ended up giving them a class to buy their treats and to eat them. Then we ended up making skeletons as their French teacher didn’t show (some office thing), which I had been planning to do with them anyhow. I was surprised how hard the cutting was for some of them. I work with kids that haven’t always had the most opportunities we shall say, and some of them had a tough time with it. But they were excited about them. I’ll post a picture later to show you. If you’re interested in making one yourself, check out: I love this site!
For science, we are continuing gravity. I had them watch Bill Nye and then today, we tackled the balancing birdie (after a good talk about gravity). I had them all standing up and yelling gravity. They loved it. So the balancing birdie went over big time. I was shocked by how crazy it was for them. They couldn’t believe that this birdie balances on your finger only by its beak. It was cool. The link for that too is:
I wanted to post a couple of other pictures to of the work we’ve done. We did mandalas where I had the students focusing on peace within them. The kids had a blast making them and I think they turned out fabulous! There is also a bulletin board done on sun safety that turned out pretty cool.